
Following are the Random functions in Chelsea.js
All the functions are briefly explained in easy-to-understand language.


The random function returns a random number in the given range.

    random(min, max);

    random(4, 10);     // returns a random number between 4 and 10

Random Integer

The randomInt function returns a random integer in the given range.

    randomInt(min, max);

    randomInt(3,14);    // returns a random integer between 3 and 14

Random Boolean

The randomBool function returns a random boolean value.(True or False)

    randomBool();    // returns a random boolean value

Random Element

The randomElement function returns a random element from the given array.


    randomElement(['a', 'b', 'c']);    // returns a random element from the given array i.e. 'a' or 'b' or 'c'

Random Color RGB

The randomColorRGB function returns a random color in RGB format.

    randomColorRGB();    // returns a random color in RGB format, for example rgb(23,65,145)

Random Color RGBA

The randomColorRGBA function returns a random color in RGBA format.

    randomColorRGBA();    // returns a random color in RGBA format, for example rgba(213,65,145,0.5)

Random Color HSL

The randomColorHSL function returns a random color in HSL format.

    randomColorHSL();    // returns a random color in HSL format, for example hsl(213,65%,35%)

Random Color HSLA

The randomColorHSLA function returns a random color in HSLA format.

    randomColorHSLA();    // returns a random color in HSLA format, for example hsla(213,65%,35%,0.5)

Random Color Hex

The randomColorHex function returns a random color in Hex format.

    randomColorHex();    // returns a random color in Hex format, for example #ff00ff

Random Gaussian

The randomGaussian function returns a random number with a Gaussian or Normal distribution.
It means, that the the random number is more probable to be near the mean value.
I like to call it a "Biased Random Number" because it is biased towards the mean value.

    randomGaussian(mean, standardDeviation);

    randomGaussian(0, 1);    // returns a random number with a Gaussian or Normal distribution

Random Vector

randomVector() generates a normalized random vector.


Random Vector with Components

randomVectorComp(min, max) generates a vector with random components between minimum and maximum value.

randomVectorComp(min, max);

Random Vector with Magnitude

randomVectorMagnitude(min, max) generates a random vector with the specified minimum and maximum values.

randomVectorMagnitude(min, max);

Random Vector with Angle

randomVectorAngle(angle, min, max) generates a random vector with magnitude between m1, m2 at a given angle.
magnitude constraints are optional.

randomVectorAngle(angle, min, max);