Regular Polygon

Draw a Regular Polygon by providing the x and y co-ordinates of the center, the radius of polygon. A Regular Polygon is a polygon that has all its internal angles equal and all sides of the same length.
You can change all the basic properties like stroke and fill.


  new regpolygon(cx, cy, r, sides, rotation, fill, fill_opacity, stroke, stroke_width);


cx Number : The x co-ordinate of the center of the polygon.
cy Number : The y co-ordinate of the center of the polygon.
r Number : The radius of the polygon.
to be precise , its the distance between the center and the vertices.
sides Number : The number of sides of the polygon.
rotation Number : The rotation of the polygon.
fill Color : fill color of the polygon
fill_opacity Number [0 to 1] or percentage: fill opacity of the polygon
stroke Color : stroke color of the polygon
stroke_width Number : stroke width of the polygon


    new regpolygon(100, HEIGHT/2, 60, 3, 0, "#695fe6", 0.3, "#44d", 2);
    new regpolygon(240, HEIGHT/2, 60, 4, 0, "#695fe6", 0.3, "#44d", 2);
    new regpolygon(380, HEIGHT/2, 60, 5, 0, "#695fe6", 0.3, "#44d", 2);
    new regpolygon(520, HEIGHT/2, 60, 6, 0, "#695fe6", 0.3, "#44d", 2);
    new regpolygon(660, HEIGHT/2, 60, 7, 0, "#695fe6", 0.3, "#44d", 2); 
    var t=0;
    function draw(){
        new regpolygon(100, HEIGHT/2, 60, 3, t, "#F5C7F7", 0.1, "#F5C7F7", 2);
        new regpolygon(380, HEIGHT/2, 60, 5, t, "#F5C7F7", 0.1, "#F5C7F7", 2);
        new regpolygon(240, HEIGHT/2, 60, 4, t, "#F5C7F7", 0.1, "#F5C7F7", 2);
        new regpolygon(520, HEIGHT/2, 60, 6, t, "#F5C7F7", 0.1, "#F5C7F7", 2);
        new regpolygon(660, HEIGHT/2, 60, 7, t, "#F5C7F7", 0.1, "#F5C7F7", 2);