Cubic Bezier Curve

Draws a smooth cubic bezier curve passing through a set of points. This is an easy way of smoothening a polygon. Dont worry, you dont have to input control points. It will automatically calculate them for you. All you have to input is the points that you want to draw the curve through and the line tension.
You can change all the basic properties like stroke and fill.
Input the points in the order in which they are to be drawn.


  new cubicbezier(points, fill, fill_opacity, stroke, stroke_width, line_tension,close);


points 2D Array : Array of x and y co-ordinates of the edges of the polygon.
ex: [[x1,y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3]]
fill Color : fill color of the polygon
fill_opacity Number [0 to 1] or percentage: fill opacity of the polygon
stroke Color : stroke color of the polygon
stroke_width Number : stroke width of the polygon
line_tension Number [0 to 1] or percentage: tension of the curve
close Boolean : whether to close the curve or not


    new cubicbezier([[50,50],[100,100],[150,120],[200,60],[250,120],[300,90]], "#695fe6", 0, "#44d", 2, 0.3); 
    var t=0;
    function draw(){
        new cubicbezier([[50,150],[100,100],[150,120],[200,60],[250,120],[300,90] ], "#695fe6", 0, "#44d", 2, 1*abs(sin(t)));